الدكتورة صوفيا كوري
التوليد, طبيبة النساء

Dr. Sofia Kouri is a Greek gynecologist living in Corfu. She speaks Greek and Italian. She was introduced to omgyno through an article about feminist gynecology in the Italian newspaper la Repubblica, which her daughter recommended to her. From our first meeting she showed her interest and sensitivity with regards to problems and obstacles that women face in their journey of medical care. She is an open-minded and supportive person who respects the integrity of women. As a scientist, she is analytical and detail-oriented. Her master’s thesis is on “sexuality and disability”, you can check her full range of experience and services on her website sofiakouri.gr. She is the mother of three girls.  Dr Sofia is ready to help you via telehealth, to listen to your needs, and provide you with guidance. You can book a telehealth appointment with her below.

Greek: Mother language

Italian: Professional

English: Working proficiency EFC (Cambridge First Certificate of English)

Private Clinic  Obstetrician Gynecologist

Health Center in Venice (ULSS 12 Veneziana)  Working as a general practitioner

Hospital of Padua   Practice at the gynecological clinic

University “G. D’Annunzio” (Chieti, Italy) Specialization in the obstetrics-gynecology clinic

Pescara Working as a private obstetrician-gynecologist

University Hospital “Burlo Garofalo” Trieste  Practice at the obstetrics clinic

K.E.S.Y. license (Central Health Council)   Performing ultrasound after examinations

2001             Postgraduate degree from “G. D’Annunzio” University (sexuality and disability)

1998             Graduate of Medicine from the University “G. D’Annunzio” Italy with a grade of “excellent” (102/110)

2001        Cardiovascular parameters and serum zinc and copper of women in relation to menopause and smoking habit. P. Boscolo, R. Forcucci, S. Kouri, M. Di Gioacchino. 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (proceeding book) pp. 1159-116.

2001        In vitro Pt, Pd and Rh immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity studies. E. Sabbioni, P. Boscolo, S. Fortaner, M. Di Gioacchino, M. Reale, S. Kouri, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini, 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (abstract book) p. 86.

2001        Effects of electromagnetic fields on trace elements and immune system of atopic and non atopic pre- or postmenopausal women. P. Boscolo, A. Del Signore, M. Reale, S. Kouri, E. Toto, S. Ciuffreda, M. Di Gioacchino. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. P.3.41.

2001         Alternatives to animal research and testing: studies on As-induced effects on the immune, reproductive and developmental system. E. Sabbioni, S. Fortaner, P. Boscolo, M. Reale, S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, M. Di Gioacchino, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. 0.21

2001        Ansieta’, stile di vita e  storia ostetrica di operaie in un’industria di alta moda S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, E. Toto, P. Boscolo.  Giorn. Ital. Med, Lav. Erg. 23: 4-, 438-441.

2001        Effetti dell’arsenico inorganico e dimetilato sul sistema immunitario e sullo sviluppo embrionale. P. Boscolo, L. Di Giampaolo, S. Kouri, P. Travaglino, E. Toto. Atti del 64° Congresso SIMLII,     Roma, ottobre 2001, G. Ital. Med Lav.  23:3, 342.

2000       The influence of menopause and habitual smoking upon serum zinc, serum copper and the cardiovascular and immune parameters of women. M. Di Gioacchino, R. Forcucci, G.M. Tiboni, S. Kouri, F. DiGiacomo,  P. Boscolo. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 13, 91-97.

2000        Combined effects of traffic and electromagnetic fields on the immune system of fertile atopic women. A. Del Seignore, P. Boscolo, S. Kouri, G. Di Martino, G. Giuliano. Ind. Health 38, 294-300.

2000      Serum zinc and copper and blood lymphocytes in healthy pre- and postmenopausal women. M. Di Gioacchino, S. Kouri, S. Ramondo, E. Papadopoulou, S. Ciuffreda, P. Boscolo. Mengen und Spurenelemente. 20. Arbeistagung. 1. und 2 Dezember 2000, Fridrich-Shiller Universitat Jena, Shubert-Verlag Leipzig, pp. 548-552

2000      Preliminary study on the effects of electromagnetic fields on immune activity of humans. P. Boscolo, S. Kouri , L. Di Giampaolo, S. Ciuffreda, N. Verna, M. Di Gioacchino. International  Symposium on Environmental Allergy and Immune Diseases (III ISOEAID), Singapore, August  26th 2000, p. 17. Riviste e convegni nazionali.

Dr. Sofia Kouri is a Greek gynecologist living in Corfu. She speaks Greek and Italian. She was introduced to omgyno through an article about feminist gynecology in the Italian newspaper la Repubblica, which her daughter recommended to her. From our first meeting she showed her interest and sensitivity with regards to problems and obstacles that women face in their journey of medical care. She is an open-minded and supportive person who respects the integrity of women. As a scientist, she is analytical and detail-oriented. Her master’s thesis is on “sexuality and disability”, you can check her full range of experience and services on her website sofiakouri.gr. She is the mother of three girls.  Dr Sofia is ready to help you via telehealth, to listen to your needs, and provide you with guidance. You can book a telehealth appointment with her below.

Greek: Mother language

Italian: Professional

English: Working proficiency EFC (Cambridge First Certificate of English)

Private Clinic  Obstetrician Gynecologist

Health Center in Venice (ULSS 12 Veneziana)  Working as a general practitioner

Hospital of Padua   Practice at the gynecological clinic

University “G. D’Annunzio” (Chieti, Italy) Specialization in the obstetrics-gynecology clinic

Pescara Working as a private obstetrician-gynecologist

University Hospital “Burlo Garofalo” Trieste  Practice at the obstetrics clinic

K.E.S.Y. license (Central Health Council)   Performing ultrasound after examinations

2001             Postgraduate degree from “G. D’Annunzio” University (sexuality and disability)

1998             Graduate of Medicine from the University “G. D’Annunzio” Italy with a grade of “excellent” (102/110)

2001        Cardiovascular parameters and serum zinc and copper of women in relation to menopause and smoking habit. P. Boscolo, R. Forcucci, S. Kouri, M. Di Gioacchino. 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (proceeding book) pp. 1159-116.

2001        In vitro Pt, Pd and Rh immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity studies. E. Sabbioni, P. Boscolo, S. Fortaner, M. Di Gioacchino, M. Reale, S. Kouri, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini, 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (abstract book) p. 86.

2001        Effects of electromagnetic fields on trace elements and immune system of atopic and non atopic pre- or postmenopausal women. P. Boscolo, A. Del Signore, M. Reale, S. Kouri, E. Toto, S. Ciuffreda, M. Di Gioacchino. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. P.3.41.

2001         Alternatives to animal research and testing: studies on As-induced effects on the immune, reproductive and developmental system. E. Sabbioni, S. Fortaner, P. Boscolo, M. Reale, S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, M. Di Gioacchino, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. 0.21

2001        Ansieta’, stile di vita e  storia ostetrica di operaie in un’industria di alta moda S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, E. Toto, P. Boscolo.  Giorn. Ital. Med, Lav. Erg. 23: 4-, 438-441.

2001        Effetti dell’arsenico inorganico e dimetilato sul sistema immunitario e sullo sviluppo embrionale. P. Boscolo, L. Di Giampaolo, S. Kouri, P. Travaglino, E. Toto. Atti del 64° Congresso SIMLII,     Roma, ottobre 2001, G. Ital. Med Lav.  23:3, 342.

2000       The influence of menopause and habitual smoking upon serum zinc, serum copper and the cardiovascular and immune parameters of women. M. Di Gioacchino, R. Forcucci, G.M. Tiboni, S. Kouri, F. DiGiacomo,  P. Boscolo. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 13, 91-97.

2000        Combined effects of traffic and electromagnetic fields on the immune system of fertile atopic women. A. Del Seignore, P. Boscolo, S. Kouri, G. Di Martino, G. Giuliano. Ind. Health 38, 294-300.

2000      Serum zinc and copper and blood lymphocytes in healthy pre- and postmenopausal women. M. Di Gioacchino, S. Kouri, S. Ramondo, E. Papadopoulou, S. Ciuffreda, P. Boscolo. Mengen und Spurenelemente. 20. Arbeistagung. 1. und 2 Dezember 2000, Fridrich-Shiller Universitat Jena, Shubert-Verlag Leipzig, pp. 548-552

2000      Preliminary study on the effects of electromagnetic fields on immune activity of humans. P. Boscolo, S. Kouri , L. Di Giampaolo, S. Ciuffreda, N. Verna, M. Di Gioacchino. International  Symposium on Environmental Allergy and Immune Diseases (III ISOEAID), Singapore, August  26th 2000, p. 17. Riviste e convegni nazionali.